Chartered Wealth Manager (CWM) Certification CWM_LEVEL_2 Exam Questions

Chartered Wealth Manager (CWM) Certification CWM_LEVEL_2 Exam Questions

Only candidates who have complete the CWM_LEVEL_1 and CWM_LEVEL_2 exams can use the CWM Certification to meet the academic requirements of SEBI RIA Regulations 2013 under NISM Approved Certifications for SEBI RIA REGULATIONS. Chartered Wealth Manager (CWM) Certification CWM_LEVEL_2 needs to be registered at Pearson VUE. To help you prepare for CWM certification CWM_LEVEL_2 exam well, ITExamShop has released new CWM_LEVEL_2 exam questions as the preparation materials. Choosing the ideal and valid CWM Certification CWM_LEVEL_2 exam guide help you learning all the questions and answers with pdf file easily. We ensure that you can pass CWM_LEVEL_2 Chartered Wealth Manager (CWM) Certification Level II Examination successfully.

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1. Section A (1 Mark)

Which one of the following statements is incorrect?

2. Section A (1 Mark)

Rahul deposits Rs. 30,000/- per year, at the end of the year, into an account for 30 years.

What amount would be accumulated in that account at the end of 30 years if ROI is 9 % per annum?

3. Section A (1 Mark)

Which of the following statements is/are correct with respect to naïve diversification?

4. Section B (2 Mark)

You have been asked to estimate the market value of an apartment complex that is producing annual net operating income of Rs44,500. Four highly similar and competitive apartment properties within two blocks of the subject property have sold in the past three months. All four offer essentially the same amenities and services as the subject. All were open-market transactions with similar terms of sale. All were financed with 30-year fixed-rate mortgages using 70 percent debt and 30 percent equity.

The sale prices and estimated first-year net operating incomes were as follows:

What is the indicated value of the property using direct capitalization?

5. Section A (1 Mark)

When markets are in equilibrium, the CML will be upward sloping

6. Section A (1 Mark)

NSSO stands for ____________

7. Section A (1 Mark)

Which ONE of the following in not the requirement for managing customer?

8. Section A (1 Mark)

Mr. Rajesh was the owner of an uninsured property. But unfortunately the property caught fire because of which he suffered severe financial losses.

The reason Mr. Rajesh suffered losses as he did not cover:

9. Section C (4 Mark)

Read the senario and answer to the question.

Jogen commuted his 40% of pension in April, 2008 with Rs. 2,15,000.

What would be the taxable amount on commuted pension received by Jogen, if he would retire from a private organization?

10. Section C (4 Mark)

Read the senario and answer to the question.

If Mrs. Deepika, a conservative investor, has Rs. 50, lakhs today that she could invest for the next three months in a three month bank CD or in a stock. The bank CD offers a guaranteed return 6 % over the three-month period. Alternatively she thinks the price of the stock will rise by 5% over the next months. She is confused in taking the decision.

Guide her in trade off between return and risk so that she makes a decision in choosing investments?