Design, Associate (JNCDA) Certification JN0-1102 New Practice Exam Released

Design, Associate (JNCDA) Certification JN0-1102 New Practice Exam Released

To help candidates pass JN0-1102 Design, Associate (JNCDA) exam, we have released new JN0-1102 practice exam to offer the actual exam questions with the accurate answers. Juniper JNCDA certification is the associate level of Juniper Design track, JN0-1102 new practice exam covering the knowledge of network design fundamentals ensure that you can complete the Juniper Desigh associate level JNCDA certification exam. More, the popular JN0-102 practice exam are full of 266 practice exam questions and answers, all the Q&As can be read in pdf file.

Before getting the Juniper JNCDA JN0-1102 pdf file, you can read JN0-1102 free questions first.

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1. Which data-interchange format is used to automate JUNOS?

2. Which two statements describe business continuity? (Choose two.)

3. Which two statements describe why the executive summary section of an RFP so important? (Choose two.)

4. What are two advantages of using an out-of-band (OOB) management network?

5. Which two industry standard automation platforms are used to provision Juniper data center switches? (Choose two.)

6. What should be the third item in your network design checklist?

7. Which statement is true in regards to VRRP?

8. Which two statements are true in regards to the technical specifications section of an RFP? (Choose two.)

9. Which automation tool uses the master/minion model for changes?

10. What are two aspects of brownfield projects? (Choose two.)