EC-Council Certified Incident Handler (ECIH v2) 212-89 Exam Questions Updated [2022]
To all, 212-89 exam questions were updated to help candidates prepare for EC-Council Certified Incident Handler (ECIH v2) certification exam well. It is recommended to download EC-Council 212-89 exam questions pdf to start learning all the questions and memorizing all the answers for answering actual 212-89 exam smoothly. More, reading more about EC-Council certifications and exams is highly recommended.
All Need To Know About EC-Council
Someone knows EC-Council because of the hot Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) program. Actually, EC-Council is the largest cybersecurity technical certification body of the world. Including Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH), the programs of EC-Council are globally recognized, and they certify individuals in numerous e-business and information security skills.
Not only Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH), there are 22 certification programs provided by EC-Council in total.
Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH)
Most candidates want to be a Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) certified, it seems that the EC-Council CEH is the most popular EC-Council certification. It certifies individuals in the specific network security discipline of Ethical Hacking from a vendor-neutral perspective. The Certified Ethical Hacker certification will fortify the application knowledge of security officers, auditors, security professionals, site administrators, and anyone who is concerned about the integrity of the network infrastructure.
Certified Ethical Hacker (Practical) (CE|H Practical)
Certified Ethical Hacker (Practical) is the next step after you have attained the highly acclaimed Certified Ethical Hacker certification. It is a six-hour, rigorous exam that requires you to demonstrate the application of ethical hacking techniques such as threat vector identification, network scanning, OS detection, vulnerability analysis, system hacking, web app hacking, etc. to solve a security audit challenge.
Certified Chief Information Security Officer (CCISO)
The Certified Chief Information Security Officer (CCISO) is the first certification program aimed at producing top-level information security executives. It does not focus solely on technical knowledge but on the application of information security management principles from an executive management point of view.
Computer Hacking Forensic Investigator (CHFI)
The Computer Hacking Forensic Investigator (CHFI) validates your skills to identify an intruder’s footprints and to properly gather the necessary evidence to prosecute in the court of law. It requires to pass 312-49 exam (Including 150 questions) successfully.
Certified Network Defender (CND)
The EC-Council CND certification program focuses on creating Network Administrators who are trained on protecting, detecting and responding to the threats on the network. Candidates are required to pass 312-38 exam, answering 100 questions during 4 hours successfully.
Certified Cloud Security Engineer (C|CSE)
EC-Council Certified Cloud Security Engineer (C|CSE) is specially curated by cloud security professionals in association with renowned subject matter experts to deliver a mix of vendor-neutral and vendor-specific cloud security concepts. The vendor-neutral concept focuses on cloud security practices, technology, framework, and principles. In contrast, the vendor-specific aspect helps equip individuals with practical skills to configure specific platforms such as AWS, Azure, and GCP, among others. This offers candidates a well-balanced mix of both theoretical as well as practical skills.
Network Defense Essentials (NDE)
NDE program is specifically designed for today’s entry-level information security or cybersecurity career, or those aspiring to pursue a career in cybersecurity. It verifies a candidate’s knowledge and skills to protect their information assets. NDE 112-51 exam is available to be the written exam including 75 questions.
Ethical Hacking Essentials (EHE)
The EHE certification is to recognize the competency and expertise of a professional in ethical hacking and information security skills thereby adding value to their workplace and employer. It is an excellent complement to educational offerings in the domain of information security and ethical hacking. 112-52 exam is the requirement of getting EC-Council EHE exam.
Digital Forensics Essentials (DFE)
The professionals who have completed Digital Forensics Essentials (DFE) certification program have an assured means of demonstrating formal recognition of their expertise and skills on their resume to prospective employers, which improves their prospects for employment advancement, higher salaries, and greater job satisfaction. The requirement of DFE certification is 112-53 exam.
Web Application Hacking and Security (WAHS)
Whether you are a beginner, or an experienced ethical hacker, with Web Application Hacking and Security (WAHS) you will hack through a variety of challenges from SQL Injection to Security Misconfigurations, to cross-site-scripting, and more. It requires you have the prerequisites as follows:
- Good understanding of web application working.
- Basic working knowledge of the Linux command line.
- Basic knowledge of OSes and file systems.
- Basic knowledge of Bash and/or Python scripting.
Certified Penetration Testing Professional (CPENT)
EC-Council’s CPENT provides the industry with the capability to assess a Pentester’s skills across a broad spectrum of “network zones.” What makes the CPENT different is the requirement to be provided a variety of different scopes of work so that the candidate can “think on their feet.”
Certified Network Defence Architect (CNDA)
The CNDA certification has been designed specially government/military agencies, certifies individuals in the specific network security discipline of Ethical Hacking from a vendor-neutral perspective. Candidates need to first obtain CEH certification from EC-Council and must be employed by a government or military agency or be a contract employee of the Government.
Certified Threat Intelligence Analyst (C|TIA)
The Certified Threat Intelligence Analyst (C|TIA) is a comprehensive, specialist-level program, which is designed and developed in collaboration with cybersecurity and threat intelligence experts across the globe to help organizations identify and mitigate business risks by converting unknown internal and external threats into known threats. Candidates are required to answer 312-85 exam successfully to earn the C|TIA certification program.
Certified Application Security Engineer (CASE)
The Certified Application Security Engineer (CASE) is an perfect title for application security engineers, analysts, testers, and anyone with exposure to any phase of SDLC. There are two certifications below CASE:
- CASE .Net: Be intended for software engineers who are responsible for designing, building and deploying secure Web based applications with .NET framework.
- CASE Java: Be intended for software engineers who are responsible for designing, building and deploying secure Web based applications with Java.
Both the two certifications are independent of each other, candidates may choose to sit either or both these exams if eligible.
Certified SOC Analyst (CSA)
The Certified SOC Analyst (CSA) program is the first step to joining a security operations center (SOC), which is engineered for current and aspiring Tier I and Tier II SOC analysts to achieve proficiency in performing entry-level and intermediate-level operations. Passing 312-39 exam is the requirement of completing CSA certification.
Certified Secure Computer User (CSCU)
The Certified Secure Computer User (CSCU) program verifies a candidate’s knowledge and skills to protect their information assets. The successful certified candidate is introduced to various computer and network security threats such as identity theft, credit card fraud, online banking phishing scams, virus and backdoors, emails hoaxes, sex offenders lurking online, loss of confidential information, hacking attacks and social engineering. The requirement is 112-12 exam.
EC-Council Certified Encryption Specialist (ECES)
The EC-Council Certified Encryption Specialist (ECES) is excellent for ethical hackers and penetration testing professionals as most penetration testing courses skip cryptanalysis completely. It introduces professionals and students to the field of cryptography.
EC-Council Certified Security Specialist (ECSS)
Information security plays a vital role in most organizations. The EC-Council Certified Security Specialist (ECSS) will benefit students who are interested in learning the fundamentals of information security, network security, and computer forensics.
EC-Council Certified Incident Handler (ECIH)
A Certified Incident Handler is a skilled professional who is able to handle various types of incidents, risk assessment methodologies, and various laws and policies related to incident handling. The ECIH is designed to provide the fundamental skills to handle and respond to computer security incidents in an information system. As we introduced above, passing 212-89 exam can earn EC-Council ECIH program.
EC-Council Certified Disaster Recovery Professional (EDRP)
The EC-Council Certified Disaster Recovery Professional (EDRP) program is ideal for:
- Network server administrators
- Firewall Administrators
- Security Testers
- System Administrators
- Risk Assessment professionals
EDRP (312-76) exam is available at the ECC Exam Center.
ICS/SCADA Cybersecurity
Industrial automation processes use industrial control systems (ICS) and supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems to control industrial processes locally or remotely and to monitor, gather, and process real-time data. The ICS/SCADA Cybersecurity program is a hands-on training which will enable you to learn the foundations of security and defend architectures from attacks.
EC-Council Licensed Penetration Tester (Master) (LPT Master)
The EC-Council Licensed Penetration Tester (Master) (LPT Master) is to differentiate the experts from the novices in Penetration Testing. All candidates willing to attain the LPT(Master) would need to qualify for the CPENT exam and score 90% and above. One exam will lead you to two certifications i.e. (1) CPENT and (2) LPT(Master). You need a min score of 70% to attain the CPENT Submission of pen-testing report and approval from the CPENT review committee is mandatory to attain the CPENT and the LPT(Master) credential whichever is applicable.