Frequently Asked Questions

Every candidate needs to know that the free exam questions demo online at ITExamShop are the parts of full version. Only read and study the free exam questions demo online can not pass the wish exam. It is highly recommended to read the full version to make sure you have a good preparation before taking the actual exam.

Of course you can request the free update at any time. We update regularly on basis. The process is when we get the update, we will inform the customers and also update online. You can download the new version online at any time. Or you can contact us via mail support@itexamshop.com to ask for the update.

We can provide the requested invoice by means of electronic documents. Please provide your detials with name, address and so on for the invoice.

No need to register as a member of ITExamShop, just add your exams to the cart and pay for them successfully. Of course, we recommend to register as a member for more membership privileges.

ITExamShop always want to provide the nice service to help candidates get success, also want to save your valuable time and money. We have biggest discount for all customer. You can read the details at Promotion page.

The products provided by ITExamShop are great, what are written by the top experts. All the IT certification exams are composed of real questions with the accurate answers. ITExamShop ensures that you can achieve success with the online products.

When find you make a wrong order, please contact us by mail suppot@itexamshop.com to cancel. Or contact us at once to change any other products instead.

We encourage all to feel free to contact us via mail support@itexamshop.com if have any problems. We will response to the mails in 12 hours, never miss, just be patient.

If you decide to ask for the refund, please contact us to provide the related information. We will check and issue the refund in 3-7 working days. The refund will be arrived in 7-10 working days.

We own the unique version number for each prodcut, the version rises with each update, for example, V8.02, V9.02, V10.02 and so on. You can write to ask that if the version has been changed. What we recommend is to check the number of the questions. If the Q&As change, it means the prodcut(s) you purchased have been updated, you can contact us to ask for the new version. Our mail is support@itexamshop.com.