Nutanix Certified Services Consultant (NCSC): Level 1 NCSC Level-1 Practice Exam

Nutanix Certified Services Consultant (NCSC): Level 1 NCSC Level-1 Practice Exam

Recommend to choose Nutanix Certified Services Consultant (NCSC): Level 1 NCSC Level-1 practice exam as the preparation materials to prepare for the exam well. NCSC Level-1 practice exam contain 78 exam questions with the accurate answers. We have two formats to help you learn all the NCSC Level-1 exam questions, one is pdf file, which is an easy format to help you learn NCSC Level-1 practice exam anytime and anywhere. The other is the software engine version, which we will share for free. It is a simulator to help you feel the real exam enviornment. Come to choose your great NCSC Level-1 study materials to learn.

Also, we have Nutanix Certified Services Consultant (NCSC): Level 1 NCSC Level-1 free questions for checking first.

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1. Which subnet is reserved for internal connectivity within a Nutanix Cluster?

2. A customer has an ESXi Cluster with two 10GbE NICs on each node with the following requirements:

* Solution must follow Nutanix Best Practices

* Network configuration should be redundant

* A vSphere Standard Switch must be utilized

Which load balancing method should be used?

3. A customer wants to know the details of network validation testing.

Where can the consultant find this information?

4. A consultant creates an AHV cluster and connects the Intel X550T NICs to the top of rack switch using Twinax cables. The activity and link lights are green. The cluster cannot communicate over the 10GbE link.

What is the first command the consultant should perform to troubleshoot the issue?

5. A consultant is viewing an ESXi host via console without external network connectivity.

Which two IP addresses can be used to connect to the CVM (Choose two.)

6. A consultant is setting up a new vSphere cluster. Customer requirements are as follows:

* VMs should automatically failover to another host if the host crashes

* Host CPU and Memory resources should be evenly balanced

* New VMs should be placed on the host with the most resources available

Which two settings should be turned on to meet the requirements? (Choose two.)

7. A consultant is planning an installation and needs to collect configuration items to be used during the install. The data needed from the customer are IP addresses, Gateway, DNS servers, and NTP Servers.

Which Cluster Deployment document must be completed with the customer?

8. A consultant creates a Windows VM after installing a new Nutanix cluster running AHV. The consultant has statically assigned an IP address to the VM but it is unable to communicate on the network.

Which action should the consultant take to resolve this issue?

9. A consultant is onsite with a customer running Foundation VM (FVM) and discovers that

there is no connectivity between the FVM and their laptop.

The consultant verifies the following:

* The consultant’s laptop and Nutanix nodes are plugged into a flat switch.

* The laptop, switch and nodes are plugged into supported power supplies.

* The laptop network adapters and FVM are configured with their corresponding IP addresses.

What is the cause for the connectivity failure to the FVM?

10. A customer would like to re-image an existing cluster. The Foundation Applet and Foundation VM is unavailable to them.

How can the consultant access Foundation-as-a-Service (FaaS)?